My nephew has a fairly common name, and when they heard it, the police arrested him and dragged him to jail, leaving his wife and four children behind in a state of shocked disbelief. 我侄子的名字挺普通,然而警察一听他的名字就把他投进了监狱,留下他的妻子及四个孩子吓呆在屋子里。
But the two cases share a common, troubling thread: neighbors, police officers, and even the medical establishment may be more likely to overlook glaringly suspicious behavior when the perpetrator of that behavior is a woman. 然而这两起案件有一个共同点,那就是无论是邻居,警察,甚至医学工作者,都非常容易忽视那些原本是非常明显的可疑行为&而这仅仅是因为犯罪者是女性。
It is common for police officers to shield each other from punishment, but the phenomenon reaches an extreme in Chicago. 警员间互相包庇以逃避处罚是常见的默契,但该现象在芝加哥已登峰造极。
Chinese and foreign legal experts agree that an important cause of this, which China could do much more to eradicate, is the common police practice of extracting confessions through torture. 这是中国本应下大力气根除的现象。中外法学家均认为造成此种现象的一个重要原因是中国警察刑讯逼供司空见惯。
Police corruption characterized by breaking the law and committing crime is a common problem in the police circle in the world. 以违法犯罪为主的警察腐败问题是当今世界警界面临的共同问题。
Objective: To know the understanding rate of health knowledge, common healthy behavior forming rate, and needs for health knowledge among police officers engaged in reform through labor. 目的:了解劳改干警健康知识的掌握程度、卫生行为形成情况及健康知识的需求情况,为健康教育干预提供依据。
The universal law of police tactical psychology is suitable for the common methods of different psychological tactics in police's law enforcement, and also the phenomenon and problems that should be paid attention to in police's enforcing the law. 警务战术心理策略的一般规律,是适用于人民警察各种执法活动类型心理策略的普遍方法,也可以说是人民警察执法活动中应普遍注意的现象和问题。
Conclusion It's very common that the need for service among police population. It's also very important and necessary method that an efficient way and long-term prevention and intervention system for improving the mental health should be founded. 结论在警察群体中普遍存在心理卫生服务的需求,涉及多个层次、内容,建立长效的多元化机制是维护和保证警察心理健康的有效手段。
Summary of the Firs National Education Forum on Correctional Officers Investigation on the Curriculum Reforming of Common P.E.and Police P.E. in Judical Policemen Speciality School 第一届全国司法警官教育论坛会议综述司法警官院校普体、警体课程改革的调查研究
The cost commitment level of best-performed police is higher than common police. 这表明优秀警察的情感性、规范性承诺水平极其显著地高于普通警察;
Police seized by comparing the pattern of relationships abroad, I found that the police seized the civil law and common law model with the police seized the separation mode all have their own strengths and weaknesses. 通过对比国外的警检关系模式,笔者发现大陆法系的警检结合模式和英美法系的警检分离模式都有着各自的优点和不足。
First, it proposes the common factors which influence the construction of Learning Police camps on the base of Learning organization theory, combining the character of Armed Police Force, and sets a questionnaire. 首先,在学习型组织理论基础上提出了影响学习型警营建设的一般因素,并结合武警部队支队(团)的特点,设计了学习型警营建设影响因素调查问卷。
In western nomocracy countries, police testifying in court is rather common, it was admitted not in common law but in civil law that police is qualified as a witness, who can testify in court. 在西方法治国家,警察出庭作证是十分普遍的现象。
English education in the academy should have characterized both the common professional English and maritime police English. 学校的英语教育应该是兼具普通高职高专英语的特点和边防海警特色。
Different gymnastics elements in physical training have different objectives, methods, approaches and considerations. ( 6) in the physical training of gymnastics elements in transfer, and continuous innovation, gymnastics elements teaching method has both the common police training and has its own specific characteristics. 不同体操元素在警体训练中有不同的训练目的、方法、手段和注意事项。(6)在警体训练中传授体操元素的方法多种多样,且不断创新。